
The consumption is transferred to the simulation in minutely or hourly time series. The time series are generated from the entered load profiles and individual consumers by addition:

Load profiles (from measured values)

The following load profiles are supplied in PV*SOL®. They have a temporal resolution of 1min, 15min or 1h.

Name Description Source
1-person household Load Profile Generator
2 persons with two children Load Profile Generator
2 person household with one child Load Profile Generator
2-person household Load Profile Generator
2-person household with 2 children Load Profile Generator
BDEW commercial load profile (G1) Business, weekdays 8 am to 6 pm (i.e. offices, doctor’s offices, workshops, administrative units) BDEW
BDEW load profile business (G2) Business with high or primary use in the evening (i.e. sport clubs, fitness studios, night clubs) BDEW
BDEW load profile business (G3) Continual business operation, i.e. cold warehouses, pumps, sewage treatment facilities (cold warehouses, pumps, sewage treatment facilities) BDEW
BDEW load profile business (G4) Shop/Hairdresser BDEW
BDEW load profile business (G5) Bakery with shop attached BDEW
BDEW load profile business (G6) Weekend operations (i.e. cinemas) BDEW
BDEW load profile business (GO) General business (weighted mean of profiles G1-G6) BDEW
BDEW load profile household (H0) BDEW
BDEW load profile agriculture (L0) Agriculture (weighted mean value of profiles L1 and L2) BDEW
BDEW load profile agriculture (L1) Agricultural operations with milk/secondary income livestock BDEW
BDEW load profile agriculture (L2) Other agricultural operations BDEW
Brasil Centro Oeste Solarize
Brasil Nordeste Solarize
Brasil Norte Solarize
Brasil Sudeste Solarize
Brasil Sul Solarize
Colombia Amazonia Solsta
Colombia Andina Solsta
Colombia Caribe Solsta
Colombia Orinoquia Solsta
Colombia Pacifico Solsta
Household, seasonal course comparable with standard profile Load profile 31 HTW Berlin
Household, load profile with high night proportion Load profile 67 HTW Berlin
Household, load profile with high summer proportion Load profile 26 HTW Berlin
Household, Load profile with high percentage of morning hours Load profile 68 HTW Berlin
Household, Load profile with low percentage of nighttime hours Load profile 61 HTW Berlin
Household, load profile with low summer proportion Load profile 12 HTW Berlin
Household, Load profile with low percentage of morning hours Load profile 48 HTW Berlin
Household, diurnal course comparable with standard profile Load profile 17 HTW Berlin
Load profile with constant load Constant load throughout the year, e.g.broadcasting station
Heat pump Base year 2011
Heat Pump System with Space Heating (air/water) GeoT*SOL
Heat Pump System with Space Heating (brine/water, geothermal collector) GeoT*SOL
Heat Pump System with Space Heating (brine/water, geothermal probe) GeoT*SOL
Heat Pump System with Space Heating (water/water) GeoT*SOL
Heat Pump System with Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water (air/water) GeoT*SOL
Heat Pump System with Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water (air/water) with Heating Element GeoT*SOL
Heat Pump System with Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water (brine/water, geothermal collector) GeoT*SOL
Heat Pump System with Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water (brine/water, geothermal probe) GeoT*SOL
Heat Pump System with Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water (water/water) GeoT*SOL

Load profiles (from daily profiles)

These load profiles are composed of daily curves and have a temporal resolution of 1h.

Source Description
Riot police 30000 m² (Note 1) Source 1
Brasil Centro Oeste Solarize
Brasil Nordeste Solarize
Brasil Norte Solarize
Brasil Sudeste Solarize
Brasil Sul Solarize
Brewery Source 2
Village with production facilities SMA
Village without production facilities SMA
Single-family house Central Europe undocumented
Detached house southern hemisphere undocumented
Research Centre Source 1
Indoor swimming pool 900 m² (Note 1) Source 1
Household Evening peak undocumented
Hospital 14000 m² (Note 1) Source 1
Hospital 16000 m² (Note 1) Source 1
Hospital 300 beds Source 1
Hospital 300 beds Source 1
Hospital 400 beds Source 1
Hospital 434 beds Source 3
Hospital 450 kW electr Source 8
Estate Ghana SMA
Load profile with constant electricity consumption over the entire year
Multipurpose hall 2300 m² Source 1
Restaurant with air conditioning Source 1
School 10000 m² (Note 1) Source 1
School 18500 m² (Note 1) Source 1
School with swimming pool 21500 m² (Note 2) Source 1
UK Household The Solar Design Company
Administration building 1000 employees Source 1
Administration building 16000 m² (Note 1) Source 1
Department stores’ 11000 m² (with Rlt facility) Source 3
Residential house Average Berlin households Source 6
Residential complex IAE Annex 42
Residential complex 24 residential units Source 5
  • Note 1: Only winter workday measured
  • Note 2: Only transitional value day measured


Source Description
1 Own measurement
2 BINE Projekt Info-Service Dec. 1993
3 BINE Projekt Info-Service July 1986
4 Warmwasserversorgungen heute; AT Verlag Aarau (Schweiz) 1984
5 Düwall,P., Lange-Hüsken, M., : Lastganglinien der Haushalte. VDEW (1985)
6 Düwall, P. : Stromanwendung im Haushalt. Regionaler Abschlußbericht der Berliner Kraft- und Licht (BEWAG)-Aktiengesellschaft zum BMFT/BMWi-Forschungsauftrag. BEWAG 1986
7 Gossenberger, M. : Der elektische Leistungsbedarf von Haushalten, Schriftenreihe der Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft Band 13. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York 1979
8 Bergschneider, C., Schmitt, D. : Dezentrale Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung. R. Oldenbourg Verlag 1988
9 VDI 6025 Blatt 7. Berechnung der Kosten von Wärmeversorgungsanlagen. Blockheizkraftwerke. Beuth Verlag, Berlin 1988
SMA provided by SMA
IAE Annex 42 Annex 42 - The Simulation of Building-Integrated Fuel Cell and Other Cogeneration Systems (COGEN-SIM) (Link)
Load Profile Generator Created with LoadProfileGenerator
HTW Berlin Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Berlin: „Repräsentative elektrische Lastprofile für Einfamilienhäuser in Deutschland auf 1-sekündiger Datenbasis“, Datensatz, Berlin, 2015. (Link)
GeoT*SOL Created with GeoT*SOL 2020 R1
Solsta provided by Solsta SAS, Daten von XM (Colombian grid operator)
Solarize provided by Solarize Treinamentos Profissionais Ltda., data from Eletrobrás/Procel, 2007
The Solar Design Company provided by The Solar Design Company
BDEW Standard load profiles (Electricity) by BDEW (Link)

Individual consumers

This is how the peak consumption of individual consumers is calculated:

Consumer type Calculation method
User-independent consumer: Operating period = Annual power demand / Power*(switches every X hours) / 8760Peak consumption = Power, if operating time Peak consumption = Power*Operating time/1h, if operating time
User-dependent consumer: Peak consumption = Power
Short-term consumer: Peak consumption = Power * Operating time / 1h
Light: Peak consumption = Power

Consumer influence on simulation

The consumption in one hour is assumed to be constant, i.e. with an operating time of 15 minutes per hour, it is simulated as a device that runs for 1 hour with a quarter of the load.

See also