The consumption is transferred to the simulation in minutely or hourly time series. The time series are generated from the entered load profiles and individual consumers by addition:
The following load profiles are supplied in PV*SOL®. They have a temporal resolution of 1min, 15min or 1h.
Name | Description | Source |
1-person household | Load Profile Generator | |
2 persons with two children | Load Profile Generator | |
2 person household with one child | Load Profile Generator | |
2-person household | Load Profile Generator | |
2-person household with 2 children | Load Profile Generator | |
BDEW commercial load profile (G1) | Business, weekdays 8 am to 6 pm (i.e. offices, doctor’s offices, workshops, administrative units) | BDEW |
BDEW load profile business (G2) | Business with high or primary use in the evening (i.e. sport clubs, fitness studios, night clubs) | BDEW |
BDEW load profile business (G3) | Continual business operation, i.e. cold warehouses, pumps, sewage treatment facilities (cold warehouses, pumps, sewage treatment facilities) | BDEW |
BDEW load profile business (G4) | Shop/Hairdresser | BDEW |
BDEW load profile business (G5) | Bakery with shop attached | BDEW |
BDEW load profile business (G6) | Weekend operations (i.e. cinemas) | BDEW |
BDEW load profile business (GO) | General business (weighted mean of profiles G1-G6) | BDEW |
BDEW load profile household (H0) | BDEW | |
BDEW load profile agriculture (L0) | Agriculture (weighted mean value of profiles L1 and L2) | BDEW |
BDEW load profile agriculture (L1) | Agricultural operations with milk/secondary income livestock | BDEW |
BDEW load profile agriculture (L2) | Other agricultural operations | BDEW |
Brasil Centro Oeste | Solarize | |
Brasil Nordeste | Solarize | |
Brasil Norte | Solarize | |
Brasil Sudeste | Solarize | |
Brasil Sul | Solarize | |
Colombia Amazonia | Solsta | |
Colombia Andina | Solsta | |
Colombia Caribe | Solsta | |
Colombia Orinoquia | Solsta | |
Colombia Pacifico | Solsta | |
Household, seasonal course comparable with standard profile | Load profile 31 | HTW Berlin |
Household, load profile with high night proportion | Load profile 67 | HTW Berlin |
Household, load profile with high summer proportion | Load profile 26 | HTW Berlin |
Household, Load profile with high percentage of morning hours | Load profile 68 | HTW Berlin |
Household, Load profile with low percentage of nighttime hours | Load profile 61 | HTW Berlin |
Household, load profile with low summer proportion | Load profile 12 | HTW Berlin |
Household, Load profile with low percentage of morning hours | Load profile 48 | HTW Berlin |
Household, diurnal course comparable with standard profile | Load profile 17 | HTW Berlin |
Load profile with constant load | Constant load throughout the year, e.g.broadcasting station | |
Heat pump | Base year 2011 | |
Heat Pump System with Space Heating (air/water) | GeoT*SOL | |
Heat Pump System with Space Heating (brine/water, geothermal collector) | GeoT*SOL | |
Heat Pump System with Space Heating (brine/water, geothermal probe) | GeoT*SOL | |
Heat Pump System with Space Heating (water/water) | GeoT*SOL | |
Heat Pump System with Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water (air/water) | GeoT*SOL | |
Heat Pump System with Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water (air/water) with Heating Element | GeoT*SOL | |
Heat Pump System with Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water (brine/water, geothermal collector) | GeoT*SOL | |
Heat Pump System with Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water (brine/water, geothermal probe) | GeoT*SOL | |
Heat Pump System with Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water (water/water) | GeoT*SOL |
These load profiles are composed of daily curves and have a temporal resolution of 1h.
Source | Description |
Riot police 30000 m² (Note 1) | Source 1 |
Brasil Centro Oeste | Solarize |
Brasil Nordeste | Solarize |
Brasil Norte | Solarize |
Brasil Sudeste | Solarize |
Brasil Sul | Solarize |
Brewery | Source 2 |
Village with production facilities | SMA |
Village without production facilities | SMA |
Single-family house Central Europe | undocumented |
Detached house southern hemisphere | undocumented |
Research Centre | Source 1 |
Indoor swimming pool 900 m² (Note 1) | Source 1 |
Household Evening peak | undocumented |
Hospital 14000 m² (Note 1) | Source 1 |
Hospital 16000 m² (Note 1) | Source 1 |
Hospital 300 beds | Source 1 |
Hospital 300 beds | Source 1 |
Hospital 400 beds | Source 1 |
Hospital 434 beds | Source 3 |
Hospital 450 kW electr | Source 8 |
Estate Ghana | SMA |
Load profile with constant electricity consumption over the entire year | |
Multipurpose hall 2300 m² | Source 1 |
Restaurant with air conditioning | Source 1 |
School 10000 m² (Note 1) | Source 1 |
School 18500 m² (Note 1) | Source 1 |
School with swimming pool 21500 m² (Note 2) | Source 1 |
UK Household | The Solar Design Company |
Administration building 1000 employees | Source 1 |
Administration building 16000 m² (Note 1) | Source 1 |
Department stores’ 11000 m² (with Rlt facility) | Source 3 |
Residential house Average Berlin households | Source 6 |
Residential complex | IAE Annex 42 |
Residential complex 24 residential units | Source 5 |
Source | Description |
1 | Own measurement |
2 | BINE Projekt Info-Service Dec. 1993 |
3 | BINE Projekt Info-Service July 1986 |
4 | Warmwasserversorgungen heute; AT Verlag Aarau (Schweiz) 1984 |
5 | Düwall,P., Lange-Hüsken, M., : Lastganglinien der Haushalte. VDEW (1985) |
6 | Düwall, P. : Stromanwendung im Haushalt. Regionaler Abschlußbericht der Berliner Kraft- und Licht (BEWAG)-Aktiengesellschaft zum BMFT/BMWi-Forschungsauftrag. BEWAG 1986 |
7 | Gossenberger, M. : Der elektische Leistungsbedarf von Haushalten, Schriftenreihe der Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft Band 13. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York 1979 |
8 | Bergschneider, C., Schmitt, D. : Dezentrale Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung. R. Oldenbourg Verlag 1988 |
9 | VDI 6025 Blatt 7. Berechnung der Kosten von Wärmeversorgungsanlagen. Blockheizkraftwerke. Beuth Verlag, Berlin 1988 |
SMA | provided by SMA |
IAE Annex 42 | Annex 42 - The Simulation of Building-Integrated Fuel Cell and Other Cogeneration Systems (COGEN-SIM) (Link) |
Load Profile Generator | Created with LoadProfileGenerator |
HTW Berlin | Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Berlin: „Repräsentative elektrische Lastprofile für Einfamilienhäuser in Deutschland auf 1-sekündiger Datenbasis“, Datensatz, Berlin, 2015. (Link) |
GeoT*SOL | Created with GeoT*SOL 2020 R1 |
Solsta | provided by Solsta SAS, Daten von XM (Colombian grid operator) |
Solarize | provided by Solarize Treinamentos Profissionais Ltda., data from Eletrobrás/Procel, 2007 |
The Solar Design Company | provided by The Solar Design Company |
BDEW | Standard load profiles (Electricity) by BDEW (Link) |
This is how the peak consumption of individual consumers is calculated:
Consumer type | Calculation method |
User-independent consumer: | Operating period = Annual power demand / Power*(switches every X hours) / 8760Peak consumption = Power, if operating time Peak consumption = Power*Operating time/1h, if operating time |
User-dependent consumer: | Peak consumption = Power |
Short-term consumer: | Peak consumption = Power * Operating time / 1h |
Light: | Peak consumption = Power |
The consumption in one hour is assumed to be constant, i.e. with an operating time of 15 minutes per hour, it is simulated as a device that runs for 1 hour with a quarter of the load.
See also