Module temperature

The module temperature has a strong influence on the characteristic curve of the PV modules.

Figure 3: Typical course of module efficiency at different module temperatures.

The modules heat up depending on the installation situation, the module capacity, the type of module installation and the irradiation.

At a simulation interval of one hour, the module temperature is calculated statically from the irradiation , related to the irradiation at STC (), and a temperature offset depending on the installation type:

Table 1: Heating DT in relation to the outside temperature, e.g. at irradiation

DT Installation situation
29 K roof-parallel, well ventilated
32 K roof-integrated – rear-ventilated
43 K roof-integrated – not ventilated
28 K mounted – roof
22 K mounted – free area
20 K mounted – Floating PV

Source: DGS-Leitfaden Photovoltaische Anlagen, 3. Auflage, also Marco Rosa-Clot, Giuseppe Marco Tina, ‘Floating PV plants’ Academic Press, 2020.

The static temperature model is unsuitable for a simulation in minute time steps with alternating irradiation, since it does not take the thermal inertia of the module into account. A dynamic temperature model is therefore used for a simulation interval of one minute. The module is represented by a capacity with the module temperature :

A specific heat capacity of and a module mass according to the module data set is used to calculate the heat capacity .

The module is heated by the irradiation. This is contrasted by heat losses:

The heat loss rate is determined from the static temperature offset

See also