Variant menu: Anlagendefinition
System Definition > Collector Array > Installation
The position of the collector array is defined on the Installation page.
Enter the orientation, which describes the position of the collector area. It is independent of the location, therefore the same for the northern and southern hemispheres.
The azimuth angle is calculated and displayed. It describes the deviation of the standard angle of the collector surface area from the south (northern hemisphere) or from the north (southern hemisphere), respectively.
Orientation | Northern Hemisphere | Southern Hemisphere | |
North | 0 | 180 | 0 |
East | 90 | -90 | 90 |
South | 180 | 0 | 180 |
West | 270 | 90 | -90 |
Table: Orientation and Azimuth angle |
The angle β describes the angle between the horizontal and the collector surface area.
The irradiation process calculates irradiation to the tilted surface from the orientation and tilt angle, which is then shown in the table at the bottom of the page.
Note: The following section is specific to T*SOL.
Variant menu: Anlagendefinition
System Definition > Collector Array > Installation > Calculation
Dialog for defining the minimum distance between mounted collectors
The minimum distance between mounted collectors is calculated in this dialog, on the condition that the collectors should not shade each other at 12:00 pm on the winter solstice.
The suggested distance is a function of:
The program calculates the minimum distance between the collectors (d) between the supporting points of the collectors and the free distance (d1) between the collectors.
Mutual shading of the collectors is not taken into consideration in the calculations.