Variant menu: Calculations > Financial analysis

Note: The financial analysis is not included in this version. In order to check whether an investment in a solar system is cost-effective, please use T*SOL™ from Valentin Software. (The link will open in your web browser.)

Here, you can check whether investment in a solar system is viable. The common variables of the calculated investment as well as a graph are presented in the result. The yearly itemized results can be displayed in a table.

In the presentation, the most important input parameters, the graph and the results are given. This section in the presentation can be enabled and disabled in the options.

This is not a comparative financial analysis, since only the investments for a solar system are considered. Comparative systems (e.g. gas boilers) are monetarily considered through savings only.

The financial analysis is aimed at 2 target groups, who look at the results from different perspectives.

  • Owners or system users
  • Investors


  • The owner is interested in the savings, which means the substitution of natural gas with solar energy.
  • Owners have more or less a higher percentage of capital, which means that the remaining investment is relatively high.
  • To make the results clear, calculations are made similar to a bank account into which the savings are paid and interest is added (reinvestment premise). After the end of the term, a balance results from which a yield can be determined (the so-called modified internal interest rate, MIRR) that a bank would have to offer if the client had not invested in a solar system, but instead had deposited the total amount in the bank.


  • Investors work (mostly) with very little of their own capital and a high percentage of borrowed capital.
  • The purchase of the solar system is compared with other investments. Here, known variables from finance mathematics are included (e.g. capital value, internal interest rate (IRR)).
  • Purchases that are uninteresting for investors because there are more profitable investments, can still pay off for owners.


The results of a one-year simulation are required for the financial analysis.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Go to Calculations > Financial analysis. The financial analysis dialog then opens. It contains several pages: Parameters, Investments, Renumeration, Operating costs, Savings, Financing, and Results.
  2. The preset parameters are partially assumed from the dialog options > presets > financial analysis and can be changed for the special system.