Variant menu: Calculations >
Financial Analysis > Loans
Up to three loans can be defined.
Note: The sum of subsidies and loans must not exceed the total investment.
Loan Capital
The amount of the loan taken out in €.
Period of time agreed for paying back the loan.
Grace Period, Interest-Only
During this period, the borrower is only required to pay the interest, but is not required to pay the principal. This protects the liquidity of the borrower in the initial phase of the investment. However, the grace period during start-up increases the total for the payments (a loan interest greater than 0 is hereby assumed).
For the cash value of the credit, a distinction must be made between three cases:
- Loan interest = interest on capital => cash value == 0, there is no economic change as a result of the grace period.
- Loan interest > interest on capital => cash value < 0, a longer grace period further reduces the cash value! This reduces the cost-effectiveness but may still be useful for liquidity benefits.
- Loan interest < interest on capital => cash value > 0, a longer grace period further increases the cash value! Ideally, you pay everything with the last installment.
Note: Either the Annual Installment or the Loan Interest must be entered. The respective other field is then automatically calculated by the program.
- Annual Installment: The constant annual installment with which the loan and interest are paid back within the term (after the grace period).
- Loan Interest: The interest rate which applies to the loan when it is taken out. If the loan interest rate is lower than the capital interest rate, taking out the loan has the effect of a subsidy; if it is higher, the overall costs rise. With equal interest rates, they remain constant.
Present Value of Loan (Cash Value) [€]
Note: You can enter a subsidy on the page Investments.