Das ist jetzt als *.valentin-software.co Heat pump systems (HPS) :: GeoT*SOL® help

Proceed as follows:

  1. Filter: Select the following properties, if applicable:

    • Space heating All systems provide hot water for heating.
    • Domestic hot water
    • Bivalent (with boiler)
    • Solar thermal system
  2. Only systems including the selected properties are displayed below.

  3. You can switch the system View between List and system Icons.

  4. Click on the desired heat pump system (HPS). Air heat pumps are shown here as examples.

    # HPS Space Heating Domestic Hot Water Bivalent boiler Solar Loop
    HPS 1 direct - - -
    HPS 1.1 monovalent tank - - -
    HPS 1.2 monovalent tank - space heating -
    HPS 2 direct monovalent tank - -
    HPS 3 direct bivalent solar tank - DHW
    HPS 4 combination tank combination tank - DHW, space heating
    HPS 5 monovalent tank monovalent tank - -
    HPS 5.1 monovalent tank monovalent tank DHW, space heating -
    HPS 6 buffer tank buffer tank with fresh water station DHW, space heating -
    HPS 6.1 solar buffer tank buffer tank with fresh water station DHW, space heating DHW, space heating
    HPS 7 buffer tank monovalent tank DHW -
    HPS 7.1 solar buffer tank bivalent solar tank DHW DHW, space heating
    HPS 8 monovalent tank buffer tank with fresh water station DHW, space heating -

    HPS = heat pump system, DHW = domestic hot water

  5. Confirm the selection and close this dialog by clicking on Select.

The page System selection is displayed with the selected system.

Note: when changing the system, the following characteristic values are retained:

  • Space Heating
  • Domestic hot water
  • Heat pump
  • Boiler in bivalent systems
  • Heat source
  • Solar collector

The following characteristic values are not kept:

  • Tank, as the tank type depends on the system